Type your paragraph here.
A new site has been established that links together great resources for a wide variety of 'challenges'. It is called UNDERSTOOD. You can spend hours on this site -- it is highly recommended by our staff:
Autism Sites:
As we have always said, one of the best ways to learn about the challenges that you child faces and will face is to communicate with other parents who have already been down that road.
Early Signs of Autism:
Here is a video from the Center for Autism and Related disorders
Local Resources:
CTFEAT provides a very supportive parents chat feature.
Here is their amazing Connecticut autism and ASD site (CT Families for Effective Autism Treatment) - http://www.ctfeat.org/
(Be sure to sign up for the listserve if eligible)
Another Connecticut Autism site from the
Autism Services & Resources Connecticutgroup.
The Yale University Autism Program is a valuable resource in our own backyard. An impressive resource: http://autism.yale.edu/initial-topics/7
A Great resource. You must get on this email list ! (an immense source for local/regional happenings for all things on the spectrum)- pattisylvia@aol.com - if you send an email you will be added to the list to receive great updates
National Resources:
The mother ship - Autism Speaks - truly a hub of information
Make sure to review the Autism Speaks publication:
"First 100 Days Kit" - for the newly diagnosed
Autism Speaks has also published the following:
The 'School Community Tool Kit' ( A Tool Kit To Assist Members of the School Community in Understanding and Supporting Students with Autism)
Consider making copies of this 'School Community Tool Kit' and give it to each of your child's teachers !!
Make sure to check out the National Autism Center's release of its "Autism Manual for Parents"
The Science Behind Autism - too MANY brain cells???http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYY2XGEmc1s&feature=youtu.be
PBS Special Series -- Informative & Touching:
An Interesting Exploration: The PBS special series - "Autism Today"
This 6 Part Series aired on April 18th. Veteran newsman Robin McNeil has come out of retirement for this special series. His interest in the topic is sincere -- based, in part, by his love for his autistic grandson. Each segment explored a different aspect of Autism. The series generated a great deal of commentary.
For a look at the series and the commentary, go to:http://www.pbs.org/search/?q=autism
Here is a great starting point: The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity
'Imagine if your were ashamed of your mind'- a question posed by Children of the Code - a website for those with loved ones struggling with dyslexia - http://www.childrenofthecode.org/
Here are some simple Questions & Answers about Dyslexia
The dyslexia 'Bible' is 'Overcoming Dyslexia' by Sally Shaywitz. For more information on this and to read an interview with her please go to - http://www.greatschools.org/special-education/LD-ADHD/a-conversation-with-sally-shaywitz-m-d-author-of-overcoming-dyslexia.gs?content=836
Many would consider the home base for dyslexia to be the International Dyslexia Association's website:http://www.interdys.org/
The Hidden World of Dyslexia and ADHD --
The non-profit 'Understood' has a bunch of webinars on a variety of topics. Here is one on Dyslexia:
ADHD: If you or someone you know has ADHD - you need to go to the CHADD website and become a member!!!
This is THE national organization for ADHD Members can access a wealth of information to help them with their child and school
see here:
Other great ADHD-centric sites and resources:
ADDitude Magazine: This is a top notch publication with great articles, blogs, email updates, and a magazine - I cannot say enough about this resource. It should be a primary resource (I mean it) - www.additudemag.com
Dr. Hallowell's publications are a great source for information and comfort - He promotes a strength based way of dealing with ADHD. He teaches us to look at what is right, unique and special about our kids - rather than focusing on the drawbacks - www.drhallowell.com
An awesome ADHD resource site - www.help4adhd.org
Dr. Barkley is a pioneer in the area of ADHD studies. You really must read his book if you wish to learn about the underlying causes of ADHD. Make sure to see his video presentations on-line - www.russellbarkley.org
Dr. Brown is a local ADHD guru. He has developed his own ADHD rating scales to help determine if there is a positive diagnosis. His book was also very helpful in understanding the disorder (which is still not fully explained by science) -http://www.drthomasebrown.com/
Another look at ADHD:NY Times Article: "Untangling the Myths of Attention Disorder" (Dec. 2010) http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/14/health/14klass.html
The overlap of ADHD symptoms and autism symptoms have confused many families. When a child can’t sit still for homework or a meal, or stay put in class, when he fidgets or talks too much and too insistently, most parents and educators, tutors, and coaches think, “This kid must have ADD!” The first explanation most doctors arrive at is also attention deficit disorder. The condition is familiar, it’s been around for a long time, and there are effective strategies to manage it. It is important to remember, however, that almost any psychological or developmental disorder of childhood can look like ADHD, with or without the hyperactivity. Kids under stress, due to learning disabilities, anxiety, depression, or sensory integration problems, may exhibit the same symptoms.
Click for more info
A great starting point from the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA):
Here is another very helpful site -- LD-online. They provide a really comprehensive news service on all LD/Spec.Ed related developments (sign up for their email list and get timely updates and news articles about all things 'LD')
Another national organization (National Center for Learning Disabilities) providing a site with a lot of information - http://www.ncld.org/
Another good local resource to tap into is SmartKids with Learning Disabilities - their website contains over 100 user friendly articles for parents facing LD and ADHD issues such as recognizing signs and symptoms, evaluations, treatment, etc. as well as first-person parent stories. SmartKids also sponsors a number of info sessions throughout the year. Be sure to subscribe to their e-newsletter and join in their blog conversation
General Children's' Mental Health Questions ??????? Go To KIDS' MENTAL HEALTH INFO.COMhttp://www.kidsmentalhealthinfo.com